Sunday, June 04, 2006

Gays back Anti-Bush Amendment to Constitution

San Francisco, CA - In the wake of the President's recent comments supporting a Constitutional Amendment to ban homosexual marriage, a gay activist group based out of San Francisco has embarked on an initiative to amend the Constitution in order to ban Bush.

"He says he wants to preserve the sanctity of marriage," says Loren Jimmits of the Gay Action Against Bush (GAAB) group, "I just want to know if he means preserve marriage the same way he preserved his marriage with his cocaine addiction and wacky reborn Evangelism. And we all know about his slutty daughters. Some family, Bushy. He own VP is the father of a lesbian! Oh, and isn't there some war in the Middle East (or two or three) where 2500 Americans have already died? Aren't there more important things to worry about than further segregating people through bygone ideological beliefs?"

A devout Christian fundamentalist, Bush is no stranger to controversy when voicing his beliefs. The White House was not available for comment as to the proposed amendment.


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