Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Bush to Replace "Casual Fridays" with "Camo Fridays" at White House

Washington, D.C. - Apparently President Bush liked playing dress up so much when he allegedly flew that fighter jet (before having a professional take the reigns and land it) that May 1, 2003 day when he told the world, while aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, that we had won the Iraq war, that he's bringing the fatigues to the White House.

"'Tigues are sweet," said Bush at one of his rare press conferences. "They look intimidational and intensitive. And that's why I'm declaring every Friday 'Camo Friday' for all White House staff."

Proponents of the new look of the White House staff are excited about the change of pace. "I'm sick of having to wear heels and skirts," says Amy Hill, "the polished combat boots and baggy-yet-tight khaki desert camo pants will be much more workable."

To inspire the creative side in everyone, the White House is allowing all staff members to pick their own style of fatique, between both the military branch and the intended environment. "I like Desert Navy," says an excited Bush, "but Dick tells me that that option's not available yet," he tells reporters who look on, unsure of whether to laugh at the joke or ignore the stupidity and move onto the next question.

Senior White House reporter Helen Thomas is quick to offer up a change of subject: "Mr. President, in terms of the domestic phone taps through the NSA..." but is quickly shotdown with a Texas-quick Bush rebuttal - "Helen, don't you get it (looking around with a grin for other people like him who get it), this is about Camo' Day, not about the NSA."

A Fox News reporter luckily steps up to fill ignorance gap that Thomas' question left open: "Your Highness, will there be any changes to the lunch menu for Camo' Day?"

A boyishly excited Bush replies, "You know, I'm happy you asked me that. In order to get the full experience, the White House dining staff will be serving MREs every Friday as well."

The more liberal reporters began leaving the room before Jack & Rexella Van Impe had completed their question about Camo Day, the second coming of Christ and the need to exterminate all radical muslims.


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