Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Local White Supremacist Angered by Blacks "Stealing" Another Sport, Swears Pogs will Make Come Back

Rolla, MO - Avowed white supremacist, Terry Nish (above), is angry. "Why can't they just leave well enough alone?" asks a befuddled Nish while staring at his 13" Magnavox television in front of a Thundercats t.v. tray. Images of Shani Davis (bottom center), the first African American to medal in an individual winter olympic sport, speedskate across his screen.

"First baseball, then golf, hell, I've even seen a few of 'em playing in the NHL!" says the brother of the Aryan Nation in disbelief. "I wouldn't have a problem with it, 'cept their taking my spot out there. I could have been a speedskater if I wanted to, but since he is, I can't be." Nish seems almost unsure of his own logic while he fumbles through his beard looking for Hot Pocket remnants. Nish gestures toward a mirrored background 36"x24" Tony Steward Nascar painting looming over his humble plaid couch, "Next thing you know, they'll be hoistin' up the Daytona trophy in the winner's cirlce. I'll be damned."

Nish makes his living at swap meets and flea markets, mainly hocking retro Archie Bunker comics and Spiderman pogs. "They're comin' back," says Nish of the pog craze. "And I'll be sittin' pretty." With his hopes of speedskating gold all but dashed by the greed of the humbled-background and heroic role model, Davis, Nish can only lay back in his faded Zubaz pants and sleeveless Harley t-shirt (not by design, but by his own accenting) and dream of the day at the local card show when the demand for pogs is once again existent.


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